Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Epic Of Gilgamesh And The Biblical Narrative Of The...
The presence of fundamental storytelling methods across the globe establishes a universal connection between societies. Contrasting cultures influence variation among symbolism and moral values, however collective literary essentials exist. For instance, an abundance of flood stories that expand across the world verifies a connection among the traditions of mankind. The strong resemblance between the flood accounts in the ancient Mesopotamian myth The Epic of Gilgamesh and the biblical narrative of Noah’s Ark in The Genesis propose a closer relationship that encourages further analysis. The major plot points are echoed in both texts despite differentiation of detail, however the crucial distinctions are observed through the contrasting religious themes. In contrast to Gilgamesh, the Genesis is a religious narrative that promotes monotheistic ideals. Both texts articulate nearly identical scenarios, however the Genesis adaptation provides a Christian perspective by offering m oral interpretation. Further exploration of both assists in the determination of significance between the differences. The two stories similarly utilize the symbolic cleansing associated with water as motivation for the destructive floods. Both acts of divine authority were a punishment sent from the heavens to exterminate humankind. Although provoked by comparable fury, the stimuli that enrage the deities conflict. In the polytheistic society of Gilgamesh, the decision to abolish the earth ofShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Gilgamesh And Noah818 Words  | 4 PagesPentateuch, and the Confusion of Tongues compared to the Tower of Babel. However, I will focus on the Epic of Gilgamesh, comparing and contrasting it to the Biblical narrative of Noah. While both the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Biblical narrative of Noah explore a global flood, there are key differences in their use of gods and the specific details of the flood. Gilgamesh and the Biblical narrative of Noah seem to parallel each other. First, both have a significant protagonist, Utnapishtim and NoahRead MoreSimilarities Between Paradise Lost And Paradise Lost1239 Words  | 5 PagesParadise Lost comparison to three epics of antiquity There are many ways to compare and contrast Paradise Lost with the three other epics of antiquity. The epics are Paradise Lost, Aeneid, The Epic Gilgamesh, and The Iliad. The most obvious difference is era. Paradise Lost is an epic poem from the 17th century and is written in blank verse which is the most modern phrasing method. According to an article on Enotes, out of the other three epics, the Iliad and Aeneid came from the same dactyllicRead MoreThe Purpose of the Biblical Flood narrative1977 Words  | 8 Pageswith God. The first book of the Old Testament is known as Genesis, which is highly concerned with the world’s creation and its initial stages. It is also the origin of the biblical Flood Narrative concerning Noah and the Ark. The story is characterised by a man that is instructed to build an ark under the guidance of God, and take with him family members and pairs of animals, to survive a catastrophic universal flood. â€Å"The flood narrative belongs to th e genre of myth. We are meant to read it asRead More Flood Myth of the Holy Bible and the Epic of Gilgamesh Flood Myth1641 Words  | 7 PagesThe Biblical Flood and The Epic of Gilgamesh Flood    In Genesis of the Old Testament the account of the Flood approximates the account recorded on Tablet 11of the Sumero-Babylonian version of the epic of Gilgamesh, discovered in the 1800’s by British archaeologists in Assyria.  N.K. Sandars in the Introduction to his book, The Epic of Gilgamesh, sums up the involvement by the pagan gods in the Sumero-Babylonian Flood narrative:  In the Gilgamesh flood Ishtar and Enlil areRead MoreHow Does Comparative Material From The Ancient Near East Help Us Understand Genesis 1-22?2785 Words  | 12 PagesOne ? Genesis 1-22 Martha Grace Weatherill TMM2061 Old Testament Studies Essay One Word Count: 2477 How does comparative material from the ancient Near East help us understand Genesis 1-22? Several comparative material has been found from the ancient Near East which have many similarities with the Genesis 1-22 bible narratives such as the creation, flood and patriarchal narratives ? Ugarit and Ebla.[footnoteRef:1] Many scholars have argued on the implication of the similarities in the Genesis floodRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh Essay1721 Words  | 7 PagesMany texts, both ancient and modern, explore the possibilities of living forever. The Epic of Gilgamesh is just one of the stories examining this theory. The Gilgamesh tablets discuss many such issues pertinent to much of today’s population: what is the meaning of life? How will I be remembered? This age old topic is explored through many popular mediums today such as graphic novels and in the film industry. Additionally the immortal question is further studied in some scientific industries, toRead MoreEssay on Biblical Flood of Noah in Genesis and the Gilgamesh Flood1679 Words  | 7 PagesThe Flood of Noah and the Gilgamesh Flood     The Sumero-Babylonian version of the epic of Gilgamesh, after two and a half millennia of dormancy, was resurrected by British archaeologists in the nineteenth century. Amid the rubble of an Assyrian palace, the twelve clay tablets inscribed the adventures of the first hero of world literature – King Gilgamesh, whose oral folk tales go back to at least 3000 years before Christ (Harris 1). Tablet XI contains the story of the Flood. In this essayRead MoreBiblical Flood Story Vs. Gilgamesh Flood1981 Words  | 8 PagesBiblical Flood Story versus Gilgamesh Flood Story The Biblical Flood story and the Gilgamesh Flood story include similarities and differences. There are two versions we know of the flood story in Babylonian literature, and both have different hero’s in each, although the cause of each flood is different. I will prove that I understand the task at hand by reading both of the stories, and taking it apart piece by piece to understand it in a whole. By doing this, I am able to know what I am readingRead MoreEpic Of Gilgamesh Literary Analysis1837 Words  | 8 Pagesmortality, divinity, punishments are told through stories of individuals and societies. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a Mesopotamian book that was written long before the Bible. A comparison of the literary elements show several similarities that lead many religious and cultural scholars, as well as historians to contend that the accounts in the Old Testaments were derived from the Gilgamesh. The Epic of Gilgamesh and Bible were both written as sources of moral message s for religious practices and guidesRead MoreEssay on Gilgamesh vs. Genesis1436 Words  | 6 PagesGilgamesh vs. Genesis In our society, which is overwhelmingly Judeo-Christian, students often find it difficult to compare Bible stories with tales from other cultures, because our own belief system is wrapped up in the prior, and it is hard for many of us to go against our traditional faith to evaluate them objectively. But in a comparison of the Biblical book of Genesis with the ancient Sumerian text, Epic of Gilgamesh, many parallels suggest that the same type of spiritual
Friday, December 20, 2019
George Orwell s Dystopian Novel 1984 - 1755 Words
â€Å"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.†This is the slogan of the Inner Party in 1984. George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984 depicts a terrifying and bleak image of the future under â€Å"Big Brother† an authoritarian regime that controls not only the citizens’ action, but their very own thoughts. The novel was written in 1948 as a critique of authoritarianism and Stalinism, after Orwell’s travel to Spain where he witnessed the atrocities committed by the fascist Spanish regime during the Spanish Civil War in 1936. The rise of the dictatorship of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union and Adolf Hitler in Germany inspired Orwell’s enmity toward totalitarianism and authoritarianism. Although written as a political satire over half a century ago, 1984 lives today not only as a well-crafted novel, but also as a terrific prophecy of the contemporary United States. Nobody is willing to admit that people are living in the society of 1984. Its authoritarian state is toxic to the health of democracy. But if one really analyzes what is happening in the United States  the closure of public schools and its effect on the pervasive incarceration of the black population, and the mass surveillance  one may find a striking resemblance to the dystopian society of 1984. To this extent, 1984 successfully advances the authoritarianism in the United States that resembles the authoritarian control in 1984. These critiques of the new authoritarianism in the United States include theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Great Gatsby 1285 Words  | 6 Pages6 English 12/3/14 Author Study of George Orwell George Orwell was a literary tactician who won two major awards because of hia advanced and intriguing use of propaganda. At first glance, his books appear to be stories about animals, however, they contain much deeper and influential meanings. Orwell is most recognized for his portrayal of dystopian societies and how they parallel present society. Through intense allegories, Orwell unintentionally crafted novels that are applicable to the totalitarianRead MoreLiterary Context Of Dystopian Literature1746 Words  | 7 PagesLiterary Context Dystopian literature presents a chilling and depressing view of the future in which society itself is generally the antagonist of the story and seems to work against the protagonist’s aims and desires. Dystopian literature explores the many problems within our society and uses them to create a dark and nightmare world, in which squalor, poverty or oppression are present. It acts as a cautionary tale for readers and brings to light the many flaws in humanity, which makes it impossibleRead More1984 Dystopian Society Essay1445 Words  | 6 PagesIn the year 1944, famous author, George Orwell, composed a novel about a dystopian society called 1984. Telescreens that could see and hear everything someone did, children who turned in their parents for ideas about overthrowing the government, and a clueless society surviving on only what the government told them were the main problems in Orwell s novel. Orwell s purpose for writing this novel was not as a prediction of what the fut ure of society would look like, but more as a warning. He warnsRead MoreThe Dystopian Novel, By George Orwell, And Andrew Niccol s `` Harrison Bergeron ``1222 Words  | 5 Pagesstrength (Orwell 7) this is one of the very many slogans that were used to control society in George Orwell s piece 1984. Dystopian literature is a futuristic universe that is oppressive and uses bureaucratic, totalitarian, and/or technological control to control society. In Orwell s Dystopian book 1984, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr s short story Harrison Bergeron, and Andrew Niccol s film In time, there are many examples of a Dystopia is that contain a lot of comparisons between the stories. Dystopian literatureRead MoreEric Blair, Under The Pen Name George Orwell, Once Said,1462 Words  | 6 PagesEric Blair, under the pen name George Orwell,  once said, â€Å"Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand†. In May of 1946, Orwell liberated himself to the islands of the Hebrides with the desperate hope to expose himself to all the creative demons that crawled within his mind. His masterpiece struck the world with the waking fear ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Alan Parsons s Eye Of The Sky 1071 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"Eye in the Sky†Performed by: The Alan Parsons Project The Alan Parsons Project s song â€Å"Eye in the Sky†is about surveillance. Someone is always listening and watching every move we make. When Alan Parson sings the following lyrics â€Å"Don t Say words you’re gonna Regret†(8). He is warning us that, we are always being watched and,Read MoreAnalysis Of Annabel s Annabel 1696 Words  | 7 PagesNovel Research Winter, Kathleen. (2010). Annabel. House of Anasi press Review Number 1: D’erasmo, Stacey. (2011). Announcing Her Existence. Retrieved October 24, 2017, from Kathleen Winter’s, Annabel, takes place in 1968 in Croydon Harbor, Labrador, Canada. The plot starts off with a baby being born as an intersex and centers around the baby’s identity. It is decided at the baby’s birth that his birth gender will be kept a secretRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Galvanized As Much Attention On The Future Of Humanity1218 Words  | 5 Pagesgalvanized as much attention on the future of humanity as George Orwell s 1984. In 1984, Orwell presents a bleak, brutally efficient apparatus that owes its existence to the unceasing oppression of the masses. Against this force, Winston Smith and his lover Julia are deviants desiring pleasure and free thought. This relationship between Julia and Winston is particularly vital to the novel s success. Specifically, Julia is the crucial piece in the novel. Julia presents a contrast to the rigid demands, moralsRead MoreAnalysis Of Sherman Alexie s Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight Heaven 1598 Words  | 7 Pageshave a lesson; novels are a form of education. An example of this has been shown through Sherman Alexie’s Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. In this novel, he attempts to shed light on the struggles Native American people, specifically on the Spokane Reservation, withstand through multiple stories and perspectives. Some novels, if their perspective of truth has not been taken into account, still affect people in their everyday lives, albeit major or minor. While all novels do have lessonsRead More1984 Dystopian Essay1254 Words  | 6 PagesAli College Prep Senior English Mr Arcuri 7th September 2017 Why 1984 is a Dystopian novel A dystopian novel is a story relating to or denoting an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one. 1984 by George Orwell, is indeed a dystopian novel as it describes a nightmare vision of future society which is opposite to a perfect world. George Orwell creates this image using a few different techniques including, the language
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Logical Data Model Database
Question: Describe about the Logical Data Model for Database. Answer: Logical data model Data dictionary Name PatientID Firstname Lastname Address Contact number CVisitID DOB synonym Patient serial number Patient name Patient Surname The location of patient Phone number Serial number data of birth Definition serial number for identify a Patient Name of the patient Surname of the patient Detail address of the patient Emergency contact Keep the track of all visit This field is used to calculate age of the patient field type Numeric Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Numeric Numeric date length 20 100 100 250 12 20 Name Doctor ID Firstname Lastname Address Contact number Specialization Patient ID synonym Doctor serial number Doctor name Doctor Surname The location of Doctor Phone number expertise in a department Patient serial number Definition serial number for identify a Doctor Name of the Doctor Surname of the Doctor Detail address of the Doctor Emergency contact Name of a particular medical section serial number for identify a Patient field type Numeric Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Numeric Alphabetic Numeric length 20 100 100 250 12 250 20 Bibliography Ashley, F. (2013). Database management system 39 success secrets - 39 most asked questions on. [Place of publication not identified]: Emereo Publishing. Chen, J. Stanley-Brown, J. (2015). RELATIONAL DATABASE LOGICAL DESIGN A CASE STUDY IN TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AND CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT. Journal Of International Management Studies, 15(3), 19-26. Ide, M., Kavurucu, Y., Mutlu, A. (2015). Graph Representation of Relational Database for Concept Discovery. Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences, 195, 1981-1989. Lee, S. (2012). Database systems for advanced applications. Heidelberg: Springer. Lee, S., Peng, Z., Zhou, X., Moon, Y., Unland, R., Yoo, J. (2012). Database Systems for Advanced Applications. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Mondal, S., Gold, B., Mohamed, R., Alabugin, I. (2015). ChemInform Abstract: Design of Leaving Groups in Radical C-C Fragmentations: Through-Bond 2c-3e Interactions in Self-Terminating Radical Cascades. Cheminform, 46(4), no-no. Mglich, D., Sinn-Behrendt, A., Schaub, K., Bruder, R. (2015). Development of a database for capability-appropriate workplace design in the manufacturing industry. Occupational Ergonomics, 12(3), 109-118. Pan, J., Chen, S., Nguyen, N. (2012). Intelligent information and database systems. Berlin: Springer. Pan, J., Chen, S., Nguyen, N. (2012). Intelligent Information and Database Systems. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Zhao, J., Plagge, R., Ramos, N., Lurdes Simes, M., Grunewald, J. (2015). Concept for development of stochastic databases for building performance simulation A material database pilot project. Building And Environment, 84, 189-203.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Design and Development Research †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Design and Development Research Management. Answer: Introduction: The web development technologies are used to provide the resources necessary for the development of the website contents. The principles for web development are used to provide the standards necessary for the development of the contents in the web development. As the scope for connecting to the people in the global level increases, the need for accessing the web increases. This causes the compliance with the standards of the web development. The following report includes a reflective journal of the web development principles and technologies. The report also discusses about the various technologies of web development. The chosen topic for the web content is the tattoo. The development of the web application is becoming a great trend in the industry. I have seen the emergence of many businesses from scratch by implementing the solution provided from the web innovative technologies (Richey and Klein 2014). However, I have seen the changes in the application. The website development that was made to be for desktop is now going for mobile versions. These applications now need the compliance of the standards that are made for the web development. In addition, I would like to offer a more detailed explanation of the seven principles for the development of the web applications. The first principle of web design is that we need to focus on the needs of the user of the applications. For example, if we make a website made for getting visitors from all over the world, we need to make the contents address to the requirements of the people involved. This is the first principle, which teaches us about the need of those people who are involved. To apply to the standards present, the coding standards are to be followed by us to make the application more catchable. The second principle is that we need to focus on the web quality of the contents made in the application management. The presence of good quality of the contents is always associated with customer satisfaction and a great first impression (Wasson 2015). Whenever I see a website for information or products, the first thing I do is to look for the contents on the website. If the content is not catchy, I do not try to waste my time there. Thus, the necessity of quality made products in the things we do is a requirement to address the concerns faced. The third principle is the presence of simple illustrations in the website. The developers need to know that the people that are targeted are not experts in coding. We only need to know the simplicity of the associated information and thus making of the website must be associated keeping this in mind. I do not think that the presence of too complicated features on the application can help in good conversions for the website. The fourth principle is the presence of long terms codes in the website. In certain cases when I design some blog contents, I try to make the contents last by providing and researching the contents so that they do not change too often (Aghae, Nematbakhsh and Farsani 2012). I also use certain designs that are very appealing, which reduces my need of constant updating and meeting the requirements of the people. The fifth principle of web design is the removal of repetitive processes or contents. I think that the website needs to improve the repetition processes like the need for user signup on every frequent page. The repetition can be avoided by checking the coding part of the website. This leads to less repetition of the files present and thus helps to attract the users. The sixth principle of the web development is the responsibility that is arrived by the integration of our codes in the websites. The codes, which are integrated, must meet the requirements of the people that are visiting. These include the presence of good quality, better information and scalable requirements so that the users who are coming in to our website does find the thing that they are looking for. The last principle is the knowledge of the niche. Niche refers to the area where the website is intended. It can range from the fields like internet marketing and health to home dcor and construction. I personally think that the knowledge of the niche products in the website is important so that I am not visiting any other website to waste any of my time. Thus, I conclude by stating the various definitions of the principles for the web development. This is required to make the website more appealing. Web project proposal: This section includes the topic of tattoo. The tattoo is a process of applying modification in terms of modification to the body, which gives it a form of art made by ink. The tattoo can be temporary or permanent. The temporary one comes off form the body after a few days while the permanent one sticks to the body forever. The meaning of the tattoo can range from decorative which means the pure art, meaningful, which shows that it has a meaning, pictorial that shows the resemblance to a certain character. The website topic is the discussion of tattoo. The need for a custom tattoo is the content of the website management. The website is intended to make awareness among the public that will help the people realize the essence of applying tattoo to reference an art or resemblance a person. The objective of the website is to make the people aware of the presence of artistic designs and the essence of such designs. As the tattoo will help the persons applying it to give honor to the person for making a resemblance, the implementation of the tattoo will be made aware in front of the common people. In addition, the main objective of the website is to get more people to the business and application of the tattoo to increase the sales. This is the major requirement in any business (Montgomery 2014). The website will also help the business to connect to the people and interact with them to increase their engagement on the website. The website is also used to develop the brand image of the business involved. In this case, the tattoo shop will be made to stand out in the public and the need for such addressing will be provided by the implementation of the website. Required skills: This section discusses about the skills required to complete a website. The website can be made by the beginners, intermediate and experts that will successfully setup the website. The designers of the website need to design the contents of the website (Krtzig and Warren-Kretzschmar 2014). For a beginner level, Photoshop is only required but for intermediate level, the presence of Photoshop, HTML and CSS is used. For the expert level, the presence of illustrator is necessary with the intermediate level. The front-end developer also needs Photoshop, HTML and CSS in the beginner level, Javascript and jQuery along with the beginner level software. The expert level requires PHP along with the other intermediate level software. The backend developer needs the presence of PHP to apply the process. The presence of skills is needed to make the website so that the website can be made without any problems. The present skills depend upon the level of work that can be provided. According to the present of the software, the level of work can be differentiated. It can range from beginner, immediate and expert level. Conclusion: Thus, it can be concluded from the report that the presence of principles for the design of the website is a necessary implication that has to be complied. References: Wasson, C.S., 2015.System engineering analysis, design, and development: Concepts, principles, and practices. John Wiley Sons. Aghaei, S., Nematbakhsh, M.A. and Farsani, H.K., 2012. Evolution of the world wide web: From WEB 1.0 TO WEB 4.0.International Journal of Web Semantic Technology,3(1), p.1. Montgomery, D.C., 2014. Textbook: Design and Analysis of Experiments. Krtzig, S. and Warren-Kretzschmar, B., 2014. Using interactive web tools in environmental planning to improve communication about sustainable development.Sustainability,6(1), pp.236-250. Richey, R.C. and Klein, J.D., 2014.Design and development research: Methods, strategies, and issues. Routledge.
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